
Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych w Łodzi
90-051 Łódź, Al. Piłsudskiego 22
tel.: 42 272 2030
kontrast standard                 A A+ A++


Medical Final Examination (LEK) and Medical-Dental Final Examinaton (LDEK)

Notice: Application for LEK and LDEK held after May 1st, 2017, shall be conducted according to altered regulations.

Application will be made only via so-called Medical Employees’ Education Monitoring System (SMK). In order to apply it will be necessary to establish a personal account in this system. This operation is going to be made virtually via the website: https://smk.ezdrowie.gov.pl. Next, it is going to be essential to confirm one’s identity and authority necessary to possess the account. This is possible to do in a proper doctor’s chamber. Doctors and dentists may participate in the examination. Therefore students are not allowed to sit to this exam.

The application form for LEK/LDEK shall be filed via SMK up to: July 15th of the civil year in which a given exam is held – in case of examinations held in the period from September 1st to September 30th; November 30th of the civil year preceding the year in which a given exam is held - in case of examinations held in the period from February 1st to February 28th.

In case of any problems with logging and filing the application in the SMK system, it is recommended to contact the CSIOZ helpdesk +48 19239, open on weekdays from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. (CET) or via email: smk-serwis@zdrowie.gov.pl.

In case of any other questions regarding LEK/LDEK, we recommend contacting CEM phone.: +48 42 272 20 34 on weekdays from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (CET) or via email: lek@cem.edu.pl.