
Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych w Łodzi
90-051 Łódź, Al. Piłsudskiego 22
tel.: 42 272 2030
kontrast standard                 A A+ A++


LDEK consists of 200 multiple choice questions. LDEK includes questions on:

endodontics and restorative dentistry 46 questions
pedodontology 29 questions
surgical stomatology 25 questions
prosthodontics 25 questions
periodontology 20 questions
orthodontics 20 questions
emergency medicine 10 questions
bioethics, medical law 10 questions
medical certification 7 questions
public health 8 questions

There are at least 20 questions on oncology among questions on endodontics, pedodontology, surgical stomatology, periodontology, and orthodontics.