
Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych w Łodzi
90-051 Łódź, Al. Piłsudskiego 22
tel.: 42 272 2030
kontrast standard                 A A+ A++


LEK consists of 200 multiple choice questions. LEK includes questions on:

internal medicine 39 questions
pediatrics (incl. neonatology) 29 questions
surgery 27 questions
obstetrics and gynaecology 26 questions
psychiatry 14 questions
family medicine 20 questions
emergency medicine, intensive therapy 20 questions
bioethics, medical law 10 questions
medical certification 7 questions
public health 8 questions

There are at least 20 questions on oncology among questions on internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, as well as family medicine. There is no list of recommended handbooks to prepare for LEK in English. Therefore, it is advisable to use handbooks used during the studies.